Sourdough bread made as participant/observation fieldwork

Sourdough bread made as participant/observation fieldwork

Sourdough boule images, made out of new yeasty friends fed every day at the same time, now flood social media, tagging an applied ecology lab as “Your Wild Life.” This research follows hashtags like “#wildsourdough, #your_wildlife, and #fermentsology through their conceptual genealogy from a crowdsourced experiment. To conduct ethnographic fieldwork in the time of physical distance, this research draws from participant observation during workshops and live streams from scientists and from other posts and comments. Both lab and citizen scientists compare human participants with their sourdough starter companions. For example, the yeast’s production of alcohol is characterized as “grumpy” and participants name their starters. Wild yeast cultures are shared among participants as well as photos of their new companions. What worlding becomes possible through yeasty cultivations of results and “community”? This is preliminary research that I expect will develop further in 2020-2021.

Screen capture of social media images of shared wild sourdough for science group

Screen capture of social media images of shared wild sourdough for science group